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Natural steps to having a healthy and acne-free skin

Written By Adk Johnnasa on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 | 11:35 am

Try these steps for a brighter and acne-free skin

Last weekend, Etcetera came all out on Nigerian celebrities who bleach their skins. In his article, he mentioned how they hide away their knuckles in their pockets so the dark patches will not be revealed. Well, that is that for people who spend a lot of money just so they have a good looking skin. Today, I want to share some natural steps one can take to have that 'dream skin'.

Here are some tried and tested ways to make your skin look and feel fresher, cleaner, brighter and acne-free.

Drink water. It’s recommended that you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. This will help rid the body of toxins. Besides dehydration does not do your skin any good so drink up.

Sleep well. The term “beauty sleep” is no joke. Sleeping and resting often helps your skin breathe and aid cell renewal so make out time to sleep.

Eat better. You need to eat your way to a healthier skin. Eating a good amount of fruits and vegetables provide your body with the basic vitamins and minerals that nourish your skin.

Keep your hands clean. We use our hands for so many things. And as the day goes by we pile germs on our hands. Keeping your hands out of your face as much as you can, means keeping those germs out of your face too. Remember to always wash your hands before you touch your face.

Move your body. Shake off the toxins! Exercise as often as you can. It does the body a lot of good.

Try new things. Several household and food items like baking soda, honey, eggs, avocado, etc have been known to work on skin in different ways. So be willing to make the most use out of these products.

Be hair free. Well sometimes. Try keeping your hair out of your face when you can. Before you go to bed at night, it’s best to tie up your hair so it’s away from your face. Hair traps dirt and you may want to keep it away from your face as much as you can.

Be pillowcase ready. Always change your pillowcases at least once a week. It’s good to invest in extra pillowcases so you can always make the change without any hassles.

Learn. Your skin is unique!
Try these few steps and let us know which ones work best for you. Cheers!


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