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Gossiping about other people boosts self esteem – New study

Written By Adk Johnnasa on Saturday, October 25, 2014 | 4:10 pm

I just got off a call, it was actually a two-way phone call; and one party accused me of being a gossip. She argued that I had gossiped about her with the other party. After the phone call, I go online (after struggling all day with my network). You know how network providers in Nigeria can kill your internet enthusiasm, right?

Now online, I have stumbled on this article by a new study telling how good it is to gossip. Just recently, the head of the Christian faith (you may choose to disagree), Pope Francis had warned about how gossip poison us and fill our hearts with bitterness.

But according to a new study, gossiping may in fact be good for our self-esteem because it allows us to compare ourselves to others. Continue below to find excerpts of the study...

A group of Dutch researchers have found out that hearing positive and negative gossip about another individual boosts self-reflection and self-evaluation. Elena Martinescu at the University of Groningen said: 

'Women who receive negative gossip experience higher self-protection concerns possibly because they believe they might experience a similar fate as the person being the target of the gossip. Men who receive positive gossip experience higher fear, perhaps because upward social comparisons with competitors are threatening.'
Professor Martinescu added gossip provided individuals with indirect social comparison information and provides an essential resource to reflect on their behavior. She suggested that rather than trying to block out gossip, we should 'accept gossip as a natural part of our lives and receive it with a critical attitude regarding the consequences it may have on ourselves and on others.'

What do you think?


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